Are you thinking about getting involved with TVI Express but are concerned about sinking more money into a losing business venture where you are required to make a substantial investment with none of the promised income to show for it? Your fears are not unlike any others but if you know some truths about this fairly new multi-level marketing opportunity, it may be helpful to demonstrate to you that you really don't have very much too lose and a lot to gain by enrolling in TVI Express.
I Hate the Continued Money Investment!
Travel Ventures International has a one-time upfront fee of less than $300 to join as a member with absolutely no strings attached. I know you will find this hard to believe. Especially if you have been engaged in network marketing programs in the past that have sucked you dry by requiring a monthly autoship fee, purchasing ridiculous amount of overpriced merchandise, and distracting you with inspirational events in an effort to keep you from getting discouraged and to keep you investing additional funds in the program.
This Is The Absolute Truth, TVI Express has a one time fee to join, that's it.
But It's a New Company!
It's true, This is a fact, TVI Express was established in April of 2008 however it has some very experienced advisors from London backing TVI and the program already has over 400,000 members, some of which have generated five figure incomes in a week. What's more is the product they offer is money and travel which is a product that most people want more of. There is very little overhead and other things that require you to pay a lot of money into the program.
I Am Not Interested In Recruiting Half Of China!
The good news is you do not have to build a team of thousands of members. TVI Express you only have to refer two members at a time thanks to the new forced matrix system. The revolving matrix only requires you to have the determination to help those two people succeed so you can too!
I Do Not Want To Be Involved In A Pyramid Program!
TVI Express works on a revolving matrix system as opposed to a pyramid where only the first movers at the top earn all the lion share of the money. With TVI's dynamic pay system everyone acts as a team so everyone is assured to reach the express board and earn $10,000. There is no question that becoming successful with TVI does require some effort but so does anything else that is worth pursuing.
I Don't Want to Push Junk Products on Others to Make Money!
With Travel Ventures International you are not pushing any overpriced junk products on other people so you can make a commission. When individuals enroll in the program they do pay a fee which provides them with the opportunity to make commission, but they are eligible to receive a premium package of members benefits that include a 6 night 7 day stay at a 5 star luxury resort. Who can't use a little extra spending money and a premium vacation at the same time? What's more is there are no other strings attached When they sponsor two people into the program they also become successful. - 33387
I Hate the Continued Money Investment!
Travel Ventures International has a one-time upfront fee of less than $300 to join as a member with absolutely no strings attached. I know you will find this hard to believe. Especially if you have been engaged in network marketing programs in the past that have sucked you dry by requiring a monthly autoship fee, purchasing ridiculous amount of overpriced merchandise, and distracting you with inspirational events in an effort to keep you from getting discouraged and to keep you investing additional funds in the program.
This Is The Absolute Truth, TVI Express has a one time fee to join, that's it.
But It's a New Company!
It's true, This is a fact, TVI Express was established in April of 2008 however it has some very experienced advisors from London backing TVI and the program already has over 400,000 members, some of which have generated five figure incomes in a week. What's more is the product they offer is money and travel which is a product that most people want more of. There is very little overhead and other things that require you to pay a lot of money into the program.
I Am Not Interested In Recruiting Half Of China!
The good news is you do not have to build a team of thousands of members. TVI Express you only have to refer two members at a time thanks to the new forced matrix system. The revolving matrix only requires you to have the determination to help those two people succeed so you can too!
I Do Not Want To Be Involved In A Pyramid Program!
TVI Express works on a revolving matrix system as opposed to a pyramid where only the first movers at the top earn all the lion share of the money. With TVI's dynamic pay system everyone acts as a team so everyone is assured to reach the express board and earn $10,000. There is no question that becoming successful with TVI does require some effort but so does anything else that is worth pursuing.
I Don't Want to Push Junk Products on Others to Make Money!
With Travel Ventures International you are not pushing any overpriced junk products on other people so you can make a commission. When individuals enroll in the program they do pay a fee which provides them with the opportunity to make commission, but they are eligible to receive a premium package of members benefits that include a 6 night 7 day stay at a 5 star luxury resort. Who can't use a little extra spending money and a premium vacation at the same time? What's more is there are no other strings attached When they sponsor two people into the program they also become successful. - 33387
About the Author:
Thomas McMurrain is a Gold Member with Travel Ventures International, the author of The Unfair Advantage and founder of The Lead King which provides a Free Resource Website for Network Marketers